EU publishes guidelines on banned practices under AI Act
February 06th 2025

A new survey has shown that broadband, TV and smartphone bills have plummeted in Ireland, with both bundled and non-bundled packages seeing drops of varying amounts.
The ICT Consumer Survey, conducted by Red C for Com Reg, loos at everything from consumer sentiment to knowledge and price. The survey relvaled that amonth other things, monthly landline and broadpand bundles are on average, €51, down from 57 in 2013, with landline, broadband and TV bundles (€88) down €4 in the same time.
Landlines on their own are €45 (€49 in 2013), mobile contracts €29 (€36) and mobile broadband €27 (€33), with only fixed broadband (€36) remaining the same in the two years.
That equates to massive savings, with more than €70 saved on some bundles, €84 on phone contracts and €72 on mobile data plans throughout the year.
For more on this article, please visit: Silicone Republic