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Welcome to our Tutor-led Online Digital Marketing programme. If you are taking on a digital marketing initiative for your organisation, then this programme is for you!
Course lessons in each of the short courses available through this programme are practical and designed to be completed at your own pace.
General Instructions
- Please progress through each of the lessons in each course and the programme sequentially.
- To move from one lesson page to another, click on the ‘Mark Complete’ button located at the end of each lesson page. Once you have clicked the ‘Mark Complete’ button, you may then progress to the next lesson in the course.
- Some lesson pages contain interactive resources. To open an interactive resource, click the orange ‘Launch’ button contained on the web page. Click on the ‘Next’ buttons or arrows within each interactive resource to move from one screen to the next within each of these resources.
- Document names in red within a lesson or topic page denote that the document is available to download. Just click on the document name (in red) to open it for viewing and download.
- Once you complete all lessons in the course you will have an opportunity to complete a final assessment for each course comprising a multiple choice quiz. Complete the quiz successfully and you will be able to download a course Certificate of Completion.
- Please retain your certificate for each course for training validation purposes.
To start the programme, click on the first lesson in the table below.