EU publishes guidelines on banned practices under AI Act
February 06th 2025

If the answer is ‘Yes’, then you will be interested in joining CramdenTECH’s Company Secretary Tool-Kit workshop taking place on the 8th September, from 10.00 am – 4.00 pm, in Cavan Innovation and Technology Centre, Cavan Town.
During the workshop you will have the opportunity to get fully up-to-date with company, director and company secretary legal duties under the new act. You will also learn more about the governance support duties typically assigned to the role of Company Secretary.
One 6 hour workshop with CramdenTECH, saves you hours of research and planning in the months ahead!
Workshop Topics
Facilitated by CramdenTECH, this focused, ‘hands-on’ workshop, will provide you with the essential Company Secretary Tool-Kit for existing or potential companies limited by guarantee.
During the day you will have a chance to explore and discuss:
Converting an existing Company Limited by Guarantee to the new CLG model
Forming a new Company Limited by Guarantee
The legal duties of company directors and company secretaries
How to maintain company registers
Typical administrative duties assigned to a Company Secretary
How to set agendas, take minutes and run an Annual General Meeting
How to compile a new board member induction pack
Using a system to manage your board documentation
Workshop Booking Details
The workshop fee per participant is €100 (includes light lunch and training materials) and is payable on or before September 4th.
If you would like to make a provisional booking or require further details, please submit your details on our booking form on or contact Client Services on 087-2194541.
Learn more about CramdenTECH and its trainers HERE.